Miguel Coronado III

Concept Artist and Illustrator




Chupacabra Con!

Well, this weekend was a first, my first table at a convention. (see picture below) 

Sales were at a minimum but meeting some cool game developers and making myself known to the gaming public was my main goal. 

I did create a set of art cards to sell, the unsold ones (most of them) will be online within the week and up for sale to the internet public. 

A big thank you to everyone that stopped by and said "hi!" to me at the convention it was a cool experience.  The next convention I'll have a booth at is Spectrum Fantastic Art Live! 4 

In the mean time, I'll be catching talks at the Creative Juice Expo at the end of the month and getting artwork done to submit to Spectrum 22

Thank you for visiting my site, if you enjoy my work, share it with your friends, I'll be back to the grind in the mean time.

A big thank you to Carlton Tomlin for helping me with my table. Check out the work of Priscilla Kim, and Alicia Vogel, two other artists from the Sketch Night that were tabling at Chupacabra Con.

All images on this site are Copyright © 2015 Miguel Coronado III or their respective copyright holders.

Do not use without permission.