Miguel Coronado III

Concept Artist and Illustrator




Updates and new works! LIVESTREAM Q&A next week!

Tomorrow morning we shoot our pitch video for Vampyres and begin editing for the crowd funding campaign. I have been creating new images to use for the perks that we will be offering. These will include posters, shirts, and other goodies.

Our crowd-funding campaign will start on February 9th. I'll be Livestreaming a Q&A  on February the 7th at 7:30pm Central Standard Time. I will be answering any and all questions people have about the project, filling in everyone about my process, the organization of the campaign, and whatever else may come up that is of interest.

The one thing we will not divulge is the plot of the film itself as that is something we'd want to present in the actual film medium.

Okay time for some art! Here is a poster for Vampyres Film:

Vampyres "Tomb" poster


The Daily Study Group is going strong, I have a new schedule posted for next week and will be on tomorrow morning drawing some still life things.

Here are studies from this week:

1-26-14 1-28-14 1-29-14 1-30-14 1-31-14 day25

All images on this site are Copyright © 2015 Miguel Coronado III or their respective copyright holders.

Do not use without permission.